Monday, 12 May 2008

Human Embryology and Fertilisation Bill

I've spent a fair amount of today popping in and out of BBC Parliament showing the second reading of the HEFB. I was lifted by the quality of some of the debates, on both sides, it's an extremely important piece of legislation and I personally hope it gets through unscathed. Aside from the unusual spectacle of our elected members behaving well I grow increasingly dismayed by the power of religious pressure groups, and individuals, over our legislative process. This fear of science which is still prevalent even after centuries of scientific advancement improving our lives, economies, and quality of life is abhorrent. Most notably the allowed absence of Ruth Kelly from the vote, how do the people of Bolton West feel about this abandonment by their voice in parliament? I don't accept that as a minister she would have to vote with the Government, these are ethical issues and whilst I may strongly disagree with her views she should have the courage of her convictions (assuming she has some) to vote one way or the other and not to cowardly hide away until it's all over.

If I may return to my main point though. This debate could be mired down in apocryphal religious tales of woe, shouting from the rafters that the end is nigh and it'll only be a matter of time before we are breeding machines to fight or do our laundry. Or people could use it to say these are possible solutions to huge problems, treatments for Cancers, Alzhiemers, Muscular Dystrophy, Cystic Fibrosis the list goes one, could be available within a generation. That is a true and noble aim. Not only that but the UK could become a world centre for biological science, creating jobs, funding universities.

One of the Issues discussed today was about the creation of a Bio-Ethics Committee, an excellent plan however further from that the creation of a scientific "court" a place for scientists to put forth their ideas in true debate on contentious issues, arguing the rights and wrongs of their processes. A place not for religious dogmatism and ignorance but somewhere scientific theory can be argued in a reasoned way.


Off to Crewe and Nantwich on Sunday, come along!

Friday, 25 April 2008

Pre Election Round-up

Well you may notice that there is a leaflet out and about ready for you to read. I've focused on some important issues, mainly Tram safety. Soon there will be no police presence on the metrolink, I think this is an appaling situation which needs to be rectified immediately. Our tram stations are dank and forbidding, I've heard reports of multiple muggings at Besses station, and can only imagine this is repeated at many others. Also I will be reporting on some major issues involving Kirkhams shortly. Remember to vote on May 1st, it's a hard fought for right so don't waste it, even if you only write none of the above, although naturally I'd prefer it if you voted for me!



Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Wildlife Reserve in Scotland

Ok I'll admit this is an unusual subject for a blog based in the North West however hear me out. I half watched a program earlier today about a man trying to bring back indigenous wildlife to Scotland. He wanted to restore his own land back to forest, with Wolves, Bears, Moose (Meese?) and Boars. This program showed just how inflexible our big government has become, because he wanted to fence it off it could not be classified as a nature reserve, and so it would be a Zoo. If it's a Zoo then animals are not allowed to predate on each other so it would have completely missed the point of reverting it back to its natural form. He had to fence it off because understandably his neighbours were somewhat worried about wild wolves and bears. He had trouble with Ramblers because they claim a right to roam over his land so didn't like the fence. It obviously doesn't matter than it's his land!

Here we have a story of a man of means trying to give something back to make something beautiful out of his wealth, and all he faced was frustration from the authorities, and hassle from busy bodies!


So I get to my point, Government should be localised and flexible, there are no one size fits all solutions in politics. Give people the freedom to bend the rules when it benefits others, this is a place where we can educate our children. Revitalise ourselves from the hectic struggle of modern day life. Bring back wildlife that hasn't been seen in this country for hundreds of years.

Lets create something beautiful for generations to follow.

Thursday, 21 February 2008

Bury Budget

Last night was the council meeting to decide Bury's budget for the forthcoming year, and what a night it turned out to be. Cllr Peter Redstone told the council that, inline with Conservative promises at last years local elections, council tax would be less that inflation. A rise of 3.4% was announced, compare that with the previous three years of Labour Budgets and rises of 4.7, 4.8 and 4.9 percent respectively. Even with this rise unfortunately some services have had to be changed, however many of the savings are due to increased efficiencies and even a windfall from the sale of land in Radcliffe. Not only will tax rises be 3.4%, for pensioners who are not on benefits there will be no increase!

Naturally Labour had to despoil the evening by proposing an unsound and in some cases downright dangerous alternative. Cutting child care services and raiding Bury's reserves to offer a 0% increase, such an obvious headline grabbing political move for these power hungry maniacs! How anyone could trust them with a local council is beyond me, especially when they cannot keep Britains finances in check, why should we trust them lower down the greasy pole?

There was also a Lib Dem amendment to the Budget however again they show us they lack the courage of their own convictions and couldn't support it with their amendment!