Well it may have been noted that I didn't attend Conference this year, and I'm rather upset that I missed all the fun. However I watched most of it on BBC Parliament and even though I say this from a rather biased point of view it was far superior to the other party conferences. A real discussion was held about future conservative policy, and our first policies were announced, as you may have noticed.
No Inheritance Tax for
Properties under
£1 Million
I'm know many people are welcoming this, with properties in the north west going up and up, especially in Prestwich, a sigh of relief can be heard passing through the town.
Lower taxes are good for everybody, but they must be supported by revenue from other sources, so I welcome the decision to focus more attention on Non – Dom residents in the UK.
Excellent speeches were made my many on the front benches, covering topics as wide as third sector involvement in schooling, to finally freeing out Police forces to actually focus on crime.
I am interested to note the amount that is being promised for Gordon's new rail link, £16 Billion. A disturbing amount of money to be spent, unsurprisingly, on London. This money could have easily been sent to Manchester to help cut road congestion, instead of trying to blackmail us into accepting Congestion Charging. Again we see how little Government cares about the North of England, that complacency may return to bite them on the proverbial if they ever decide to hold an election....
...and so we get onto the very exciting news that there WON'T be a General Election this autumn. And one can't help but think they have shot themselves in the foot. Admittedly the marginal poll results don't bode well (44% Con/38% Lab/16% LD) however Prime Ministers in Mr Browns situation very rarely manage to perform miracles this late in a governments lifetime.
Also the continued fakery and spin pouring out of Downing Street. From Reopening a Hospital and dragging their first patient back months later, to fiddling the figures with the number of troops heading home during the traditionally sacrosanct party conference season. Gordon Brown has shown that the Spinners are still weaving at the highest levels (apologies for mixing metaphors there).
I'm hoping to have a leaflet out soon so watch your doorsteps!