Sunday, 23 December 2007

More on Congestion Charging!

Well as many of you may have read in the papers Bury Council has voted against the Congestion Charge. At an extremely vocal full council it was decided that if the government returns with a proposal for the £3bn investment in public transport including the Congestion Charge we will have nothing to do with it. I was interested to note that the Labour Group Abstained, but it is unsurprising considering their government taskmasters are trying to force this through, no doubt they are being pushed into this. Only with a Conservative controlled council could this have been thrown out and only with more Conservative Councillors can threats like this be averted in the future.

A Little CF stuff now, elections have been called for the Conservative Future NME elections. And already things are getting steamy and sultry (alright not strictly true but it makes it sound so much more exciting!). One Figure that did impress me though, Conservative Future has over 80 000 members, the Liberal Democrats could only muster 40 000 to select their new leader.


Anyway have a very merry Christmas and a Extremely Prosperous New Year (that is of course unless Mr Darling stuffs it up even more!)

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