Thursday, 13 September 2007

Started Canvassing

I started canvassing earlier this week, and already I've found issues that are worrying people! I'm hoping to get as many of these sorted as quickly as I can. Also made a visit to the Same Yet to wet my throat afterwards, it's a few years since I was last there and it's looking really nice, might take a trip up there for a meal soon.

Bury South had a Stand Up Speak up event on Monday, it led to some lively debate and thoughts put forth on how what we think are some of the major problems our public services have to deal with and how we feel a future Conservative Government should work. All our ideas will be sent to the Conservative Party for consideration. You too can make a difference with our policy, click onto and have your say!

I now have a number for you to call me on, if I don't answer leave a message with your name and Number and I'll get back to you. Or alternatively text me on it again with your name and address and I'll call you back as soon as possible.



Or email me

Without information from residents I can't know what issues are affecting you so keep in touch.

Matthew Hague

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